Undertaking works at your property

Undertaking works at your property

Licence to Alter

  • Should you wish to undertake works to your property at Bickenhall Mansions, no matter how minor, you must apply for the necessary permit or licence depending on the scope of works. For clarity, this legal consent is required for all works not just structural works. ‘Like for like’ works still require legal consent. The Landlords Surveyor will check if your proposed works are permitted and, if so, grant the required permit or licence for you to undertake the works.
  • Any work you wish to carry out to your Apartment requires permission in the form of a ‘Licence to Alter’ or ‘Redecorations Permit’.

The application form can be viewed below.

Landlords Regulations

  • Any works undertaken to your property must also comply with the Landlords Regulations. The purpose of these regulations is to set out the general principles to be followed by any lessee(s) who wish(es) to undertake alterations to their flat and to set out common standards of workmanship, materials and manner of working that must be followed when employing contractors.
  • Lessee(s) are strongly urged to ensure that these regulations are shared with designers, consultants, tradesmen and contractors before undertaking any works on site.

The BFL Landlord Regulations can be viewed below.
